Our technology

The agricultural sector is under increasing pressure to produce more food while reducing its environmental impact. These changes can only be achieved through creative solutions and innovations. The digital transformation offers unprecedented opportunities, and Micron Agritech leads the way in applying groundbreaking technologies.

Simple, automated results

Our technology is advanced yet simple to use. To quickly detect parasitic infections in animals, we use the powerful computer you already carry with you: your mobile phone. Using our app and the Micron Kit Reader, a video of the manure sample is made. The video is then uploaded to a server for in-depth analysis using artificial intelligence. This quickly generates a consistent and accurate result that is automatically processed and sent to your phone.

Strongyliden zijn een soort rondwormei dat diverse soorten omvat. De klinisch meest relevante zijn Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia en Trichostrongylus-soorten. Deze treffen jonge en oudere dieren en veroorzaken vanaf het midden van de zomer, vooral bij schapen, runderen en paarden.

Nematodirus battus, een rondworm, tast jonge schapen en runderen aan in de late lente en vroege zomer, en veroorzaakt Nematodirose. Symptomen hiervan zijn onder andere plotselinge diarree en het kan de dood tot gevolg hebben.
Het uitkomen van Nematodirus wormeieren vindt plaats op de weide, wanneer langdurige warmere omstandigheden volgen op een koude periode.

Strongyloïden zijn ook bekend als draadwormen.
Een infectie met Strongyloïden tast de dunne darm van schapen aan, met name lammeren, maar ook van runderen en geiten. Een infectie kan diarree en ondervoeding veroorzaken, met name bij jonge dieren.

Trichuris ovis, ook bekend als zweepworm. Het komt voor in de blindedarm en dikke darm van schapen, geiten, runderen en andere herkauwers in alle delen van de wereld, maar is relatief ongevaarlijk. Klinische ziekten kunnen echter ook worden aangetroffen bij schapen en runderen. Er kan een zware infectie optreden bij zeer jonge dieren. De geïnfecteerde gastheren kunnen lijden aan bloederige colitis en difterieke caecitis, wat ulceratieve en necrotische laesies op het slijmvlies kan veroorzaken. Bij dieren met een hoge wormlast kunnen ernstige bloedarmoede, uitdroging en geelzucht leiden tot de dood van de dieren.

Ascarid infection in horses can cause blockages in the small intestines. Exposure to Parascaris spp. is common worldwide, especially in foals and horses under four years old. Parascaris is clinically significant because it can cause disease in young horses and is the only ascarid parasite to have developed widespread anthelmintic resistance.

Moniezia expansa, and less commonly Moniezia benedinilive in the small intestines of grazing ruminants.
Moniezia expansa is the most common tapeworm species in North America.

Anoplocephala is a tapeworm found in horses. The most pathogenic and common species in horses is Anoplocephala perfoliata, which can cause severe damage to the epithelial tissue near the ileocecal junction and adjacent segments of the small and large intestines. Tapeworms are often associated with colic in horses.

Coccidia are protozoa, single-celled organisms that can affect all grazing animals, with young animals being particularly vulnerable. Coccidiosis is one of the most common diseases causing damage to the intestines, especially in lambs and calves. Coccidiosis in lambs is one of the most economically damaging diseases in sheep, causing production losses in flocks.

Rumen fluke, Calicophoron daubneyi, and liver fluke, Paramphistomum leydeni, are parasites in ruminants found worldwide. They require a snail as an intermediate host. Adult parasites live in the rumen (stomach), while immature larvae reside in the small intestines.

Clinical disease is caused by intestinal damage due to large numbers of larvae in the gut. The adult worms in the rumen are generally not considered disease-causing.

Liver fluke disease (Fasciola hepatica) is a parasitic disease of grazing animals caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica and is economically significant in cattle, sheep, and goats.

A new standard for accuracy

Our analysis is performed in a standardized manner, offering a consistent and robust testing procedure. Every phase of the process has been extensively tested for variability. This allowed us to develop a process optimized to extract worm eggs from a manure sample with high efficiency.

The results of analyses using the Micron Kit have been compared by VetQAS to results from other test methods. The z-values of Micron Kit test results consistently align closest with the consensus values. Even with much faster turnaround times, the Micron Kit does not compromise on accuracy—in fact, we are introducing a new standard of accuracy.

Additionally, the results generated by the Micron Kit can be tracked over time using our digital platform, offering endless insights into infection dynamics and treatment outcomes. This represents a major step forward in improving parasite control in the future.

VetQAS test results - December 2021
(Micron Kit and traditional laboratories vs average)

Relevant scientific publications

Worm counts are a crucial part of parasite control. Read more about worms and EPG testing in the articles below.

Getting started with the Micron Kit

The Micron Kit is portable and easy to use both in the field and on the farm.

Order the kit online